DOH Deadline for CDPAP Fiscal Intermediary Application
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Home Care Agency Valuation



Condor Healthcare Consultants provides free Home Care Agency Valuations for those who are interested in selling or simply want to know what their home care business is worth in today’s marketplace.

Home Care Agency Valuation Form


Not all information is required, but the more data we have the greater our ability to pre-screen your home care agency for valuation purposes. Any information you provide will be kept strictly confidential, and will not be shared with any third parties outside of Condor Healthcare Consultants without your express permission. For more information contact Condor today at 866-515-9680

    Company, License, or Organization Name*

    Your Name (Full Name)*

    Your Email*

    Direct Mobile Number for person filling out this form*

    Main Office Address, City, State, Zip

    What year was your organization established?*

    Approximately how many home care clients are you currently serving?* (use "0" for license only) Please include breakdowns of CDPAP vs PCA clients, if relevant

    List the State and/or specific counties your organization is licensed to serve*

    What MLTC or MCO contracts (if any) do you have? Please also include special contracts such as NHTD/TBI, VA or DSS

    Do you serve private patients? If so how many?

    Please us the text area below to tell anything important we should know about your company that should be factored into your valuation. This may include specific cultural capabilities, awarded Lead FI status, or other considerations.

    Additional Comments or Questions