CDPAP Attestions RFO #20039
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CDPAP RFO #20039 – Protest Letter


If you wish to challenge the State’s Award decisions for RFO #20039, please fill out the form below completely. Condor will use the information you provide to determine the best possible approach for your protest or appeal.


Any information you provide will be kept strictly confidential, and will not be shared with any third parties outside of Condor Healthcare Consultants. You will receive an email from Condor confirming receipt and outlining next steps shortly after you submit your form. If you do not receive this automatic confirmation email then your form was submitted incorrectly and will have to be resubmitted.

    Company or Organization Name*

    Company Address (Street, City, State, Zip Code)*

    Company Phone Number (Main)*

    Contact Person for Submission (Full Name)*

    Contact Email*

    Contact Phone Number (mobile preferred)*

    Are you currently providing CDPAP services to consumers? (Yes or No)*


    If you answered "Yes" to the above, approximately how many CDPAP / CDPAS consumers are you currently serving in total (use "0" if you are not serving any)?*

    Is your Company also a LHCSA (Licensed Home Care Services Agency) or associated with a LHSCA?*

    Did your organization submit an original offer under RFO #20039 in early 2020? (Yes or No)*

    Yes, and we were not awarded a contractNo, we did not submit an offer

    Did your organization submit a "Survey of Qualified Offerers" in summer of 2021? (Yes or No)*


    Did your organization submit a "Lead FI Attestation" in November 2022? (Yes or No)*


    Did your organization ever receive a "Non Award Letter" in either February 2021 or June 2023? (Yes or No)*


    Did your organization submit a Protest Letter or Appeal of Decision in February of 2021? (Yes or No)*


    FILE UPLOAD: If you have any of the following materials, please upload using the File Upload button(s) below or email the document(s) to [email protected] . Condor will use these materials to customize your protest arguments appropriately.

    File Upload for Lead FI Attestation Form

    File Upload for Non Award Letter 1: Original RFO

    File Upload for Non Award Letter 2: Attestation

    File Upload for Protest Letter 1: Original RFO

    Please tell us about your company, including the Month and Year you were established, any unique or ethnic populations you serve and/or specialized services you offer*

    Comments or Questions


    Condor Healthcare Consultants is generating customized protests for those who wish to appeal NY State’s Award decisions related to RFO #20039 – New York State Fiscal Intermediaries for the Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program (CDPAP). The deadline to challenge the State’s Award decisions is 11:59PM on Wednesday, June 21st 2023. Fill out the form on this page if you wish to file a Protest and have not done so already:


    Background Info

    The NYS DOH has released another round of award and non-award letters related to RFO #20039. These decisions were based on the most recent “round” of the RFO (Request for Offers) process which began in December of 2019, the Lead FI Attestation. If you wish to challenge these decisions, you must submit a formal Protest Letter or Appeal of Decision by 11:59PM on Wednesday, June 21st 2023.


    Important Notice
    The Office of the State Comptroller’s Office have stated that they will NOT be reviewing previously submitted challenges from February 2021. Though you may choose not to challenge the June 2023 Award decisions you should resubmit your original protest or appeal (if you submitted one) by June 21st to [email protected], otherwise there is a risk that it will never be considered or reviewed.


    Contact Us

    The best way to contact Condor about this opportunity is by filling out the form on this page or emailing [email protected]. You may also leave a voicemail message by calling 212.858.9920, however we may not be able to return your call in advance of the upcoming deadline.