Healthcare M&A | Condor Healthcare Consultants
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Healthcare Mergers & Acquisitions

Improve Your Odds for Successful M&A


Whether you are a Payor, Provider, buyer, seller, or just “exploring the options” you can count on Condor Healthcare Consultants to deliver sound advice in the arena of healthcare M&A. We bring unsurpassed industry experience and integrity to your healthcare merger, acquisition and/or other business transactions.

Check out Condor Healthcare Consultants’s network of healthcare companies for sale in your area. All listed businesses have been thoroughly vetted and represent exciting merger and/or acquisition opportunities for serious buyers and sellers.


Due Diligence

Condor implements a robust due diligence process that elicits substantial interaction and discussion between the parties. Our thorough assessment will include:

  • Financial and market position
  • Contracts plus tangible and intangible assets
  • Environmental and employee matters
  • Legal and regulatory matters, filings, insurance, and litigation


Our expert consultants possess the practical experience and relevant technical skills required to manage the intricacies of healthcare valuation. Condor’s appraisal will include:

  • Fair Market Value of enterprises, assets and services
  • Compensation arrangements
  • Machinery, equipment and other fixed assets

Deal Structuring & Broker Services

Condor knows how to best serve the needs of all involved parties when negotiating healthcare acquisitions, consolidations and sales. We leverage the appropriate mix of financial know-how and savvy to appropriately consummate these deals.



After the deal is signed, Condor remains committed to ensuring a swift and seamless transition that minimizes disruption and enhances productivity. From healthcare IT solutions to interim management, we have the expertise and proficiency to get the job done right.


Accounting and Legal Assistance

In addition to our own team of seasoned experts, Condor will connect you to the best-of-the-best financial and legal professionals in your area to ensure that every “i” is dotted and every “t” is crossed. Learn more about our trusted network of Healthcare CPAs and Healthcare Attorneys.