A Healthcare Consulting Firm | Condor Healthcare Consultants
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Condor – a Healthcare Consulting Firm

Condor Healthcare Consultants is a top NYC-based healthcare consulting firm serving healthcare business clients on a national level. We offer over 30 years of experience in home health care, nursing home operations, LHSCAs, assisted living, complex health systems, care management, operations and more. Condor has the knowledge and insight to deliver sound business advice and profitable strategies to the healthcare industry. 


Whether you are a Payor/Health Plan, Provider of healthcare services, or Vendor of healthcare-related products or services, Condor has the experience you need. We are familiar with the financial challenges and strain imposed on your organization by increased operational costs, decreasing margins and provision of care costs. To alleviate that strain, Condor Healthcare Solutions, with our expertise in operations and restructuring for profitability, identifies areas for cost and efficiency correction. We do not subscribe to common “slash and burn” methods that can adversely affect your organization’s culture, alienate your employees, position you unfavorably in your market and result in irreversible tarnishing of your reputation.


Alternatively, Condor provides innovative solutions designed to make a difference in your day-to-day operations (and bottom line) quickly and efficiently – without sacrificing integrity or quality of care. In order to facilitate the growth you need to survive, we focus on the positives of your organization and act as a driving force for change and innovation. Condor’s realistic and affordable healthcare solutions are designed to help you attain a competitive edge and realize significant results in a short period of time.


For those considering selling a healthcare business or acquiring one, Condor’s expert M&A Division provides free valuations and comprehensive listings of healthcare businesses for sale across the country. We can tell you what your healthcare business is worth, and how much you should pay for a healthcare business you are considering for purchase.


Contact Condor Healthcare Consultants today. Our expert consultants are standing by to help get your healthcare business on track.

Condor Healthcare Consultants - healthcare consulting firm