Social Adult Day Care for Sale in Brooklyn NY. Contact Condor for Details.
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4 Sale NY

For Sale: Social Adult Day Care for Sale in Brooklyn, NY

Listing ID: AD001 – Social Adult Day Care for Sale in Brooklyn NY

Social Adult Day Care for Sale in Brooklyn NY. Healthcare company in business over 4 years providing Adult Social Day Care Services and Transportation to elderly clients in a state-of-the-art setting.

Service Area: Brooklyn, New York

Asking Price: Undisclosed

  • Company serves over 750 clients daily in their facility
  • Contracts in place with 8+ Managed Long Term Care Companies
  • Transportation contracts and company owns two vans.
  • Strong base of business with upward trending projections for the future
  • Vetted to be extremely profitable and verifiable
  • All assets would be part of the sale price
  • Owner is retiring – willing to stay on during transition
  • The property is leased, however ownership could potentially be negotiated
  • Asking price: Undisclosed. Contact Condor at 1-866-515-9680 for details
  • Payment terms and additional details will be shared with serious buyers


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